Khloe Kardashian Quotes

Now we have so many more social outlets, so many ways to be stalked and bullied. If social media is too much for you to handle, then don't have a Twitter or Facebook account. Just be yourself. Be who you want to be.
I like to do designs on the side of my face, or cut out foil stickers from the crafts store and put them on my forehead.
I absolutely adore baking with my nieces and nephews. It's super fun, and I love baking by myself, so what I like to do is have a cabinet for my baking essentials.
My father raised us like... we were not allowed to see people in any sort of colors, but also we were not allowed to call people fat. If ever we were to say, 'Oh that fat person, or this person,' he would make us put a bar of soap in our mouth and count to 10. We weren't allowed to look at people like that.
The Armenian Genocide is such a controversial and very sensitive issue because the Turkish and Armenian people disagree about the facts of what actually happened. I know how strongly Armenians feel about the Genocide, and how it's never been recognised. At the same time, I do not hold today's generation of people accountable.
My fitness journey will be a lifelong journey.
Fitness is not about being better than someone else... It's about being better than you used to be.
Leopard print has been my thing forever! When I was a teenager my entire room was done in leopard print - it's timeless, chic, and always in style. When in doubt... leopard!
We all have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small so you don't get discouraged and give up. Remember it is all about consistency.
A few years ago I lost 30 pounds, and people still wanted to criticize. And honestly, I'm happy with myself if I'm a little heavier. I realized: 'Why am I trying to conform to someone else's idea of beauty?' I think I'm beautiful either way.
I know my soul is beautiful; I know I'm a good person. And that will never change for me.
I always have mini bottles of Unbreakable, the fragrance I did with my husband. I'm Armenian, so I'm oily and always have blotting papers.
I'm like a connoisseur of dry shampoo, so I'm really picky.
I'm so excited. I love radio and being on the new Mix 102.9.
I don't think because I hang out with enough black people, I'm gonna turn black. What kind of rationalization is that? I'm just friends with people that I like. I don't care what skin color you are.
Growing up, I was always chubby. My girlfriends were always running around in two-pieces, and I never felt comfortable to do that.
I think the beauty of growing up is not really knowing and figuring it out for yourself.
I'm thrilled to continue my partnership with U by Kotex for Generation Know while helping to empower girls. I've always been a motivational resource for my younger sisters and hope I can positively impact and inspire other young girls too.
I'm the ugly sister. I'm the fat one. I'm the transvestite. I have had those mean things said about me at least twice a day for the last five years. It's horrible, you know? But I can brush that stuff off.
I just think that knowing about your body at any age, whether it's educating yourself on fertility, getting mammograms, going through puberty - whatever it may be, is really important. I just really encourage women empowerment and being comfortable talking about these issues.
I promise you, the gym has taken away so much of my stress. It has helped calm me down.
We come from a very mixed family. We're a bunch of different races, my family. So it's very normal for us. I don't know why we're accepted. Are all of us accepted or just me?
I don't believe in revenge. When people are bullies it's because of a deeper-rooted issue - either their family life is tough or they're being bullied by someone bigger than they are.
I'm Armenian, but I'm very fair and I look white... I would always get such hate about it.
I think most diets are torture, which is why I don't believe in them. But, as is true with exercise, when you make a change and feel the benefits, you want to stick with it.
No party is complete without cocktails! My friends all have different tastes when it comes to their drink of choice, so I like to maintain a well-stocked bar with different kinds of alcohol to keep everyone happy.
All the makeup in the world won't make a difference without great skincare.
I'm obsessed with cheese and milk, but eliminating them from my diet made the biggest difference. In a month and a half, I lost 11 pounds just from not eating dairy, without doing anything else different, and that totally blew my mind.
I don't drink Pellegrino and Perrier, but my nieces and nephews do.
There is a method to the madness when it comes to placing everything in your refrigerator.
You can't expect everyone to love you. I'm not someone who just wants to throw out hate, just because.
I love all of my shoes! It is a must to have them color coordinated, and to be able to see each and every one of them. I know exactly where each one lives and I can tell if one has even been moved!
I say all the time I think there should be some courses in the regular schooling system that isn't, even like about credit, things that matter later in life. I learned the harder way: 'Look, I got a $500 credit card in the mail, let's go shopping!'
I'm not shy about wearing a lot of makeup! But when I don't have to be done up, I just use a bit of concealer and maybe some lip balm.
I would say the dumbest thing I have heard is that my dad isn't my real dad.
People are gonna comment no matter what. If I dated the most clean-cut, perfect guy, they're gonna comment. That's just the way it is.
If I'm cooking dinner for my hubby or designing a line or selling on QVC, I try to do it in an authentic way. To speak to people like I want to be spoken to, to be a voice for people who don't have one and to give them things they need and love.
I love watching 'Golden Sisters' on OWN.
Not to be vain, but I have nice long legs, so I like to accentuate them. Find what part of your body you love most - it can be your arms, your chest, your legs - and emphasize that.
I don't believe love is fickle. I believe when you love someone, you are allowed to love from afar. You don't have to be with that person in order to love him.
I bought Justin Bieber's house... He had, like, this nook under the stairs which I didn't need, so I covered it up. When I ran into him, he was like 'What did you do with the nook? I used to go in there and play video games.' When I told him it was gone, he was so upset. I didn't think this 20-year-old boy would even care!
I had parents who were incredibly loving and nurturing and always made me feel beautiful, so I never really questioned that.
I was married for five years, and I definitely had that baby fever, which I think you should.
I genuinely enjoy sweating out my frustrations and living a healthier life. My workouts are not all about vanity. They are about clarity for my mind and soul.
People make me feel like I have a problem because I haven't had a kid yet.
I'm not really an actress.
It's crazy how many nude lip crayons I own - I probably need to get rid of some.
On the weekend, I have a gym in my community. I try to do cardio. You just turn on some junk TV, and you don't realize what you're doing, and I love that.
Everyone says that when you have kids, you become crazy.
But I also enjoy life... the more scrutiny I am under, the more confident I become. I am who I am. I can't do anything about it, and I love who I am.
I was a mindless eater. I ate for comfort. I also ate out of boredom and habit.
The funny thing is that everyone thinks I'm naturally dark because all of my siblings are, but I'm naturally dirty blond.
I was realizing, 'I work out all the time. Why can't I drop this weight?' It's really food. So I started dieting a little.
The thing is, every relationship is different, and when you start talking about your problems, other people tend to talk about theirs.
With this crazy lifestyle, you have to think of places where you can still have your freedom.
I even ate chips because I love the crunchy sound they make. And I didn't give much thought to what I was eating or what I was putting inside my body, except hummus, of course, which is one of my weaknesses.
I believe in lifestyle changes, and when you think of something long term, you do it better. If I know I just have to eat this way for a week, how does that help you for the long term? It doesn't.
I try to work out five days a week. It's a lot, but I feel great when I do it.
Our family brings a different amount of - not fame - attention.
When I'm fidgety, and I just feel like everything is closing in, I go to the gym. You're building endorphins and feeling good about yourself. It's saved me.
When in doubt, I always, always buy clear vases. You really can't go wrong with minimalist clear vases, especially when you're sending someone flowers. The flowers are the star of the show and need to shine!
I've had a lot of really influential people in my life, like my grandmother M. J., who have helped me along the way. But there are so many of us girls in my family, and even though they're all so open and honest, who I seek advice from depends on what aspect of life I'm dealing with.
With love, you don't mislead or play around, so if you're not perfectly clear, just be honest about it.
Once you start losing weight and seeing results, you're like, 'I want to see more!'
It wasn't until I began to work out in earnest that I became aware of what I was eating. When I became more mindful about exercise, I became more mindful about eating.
Fame comes and fame goes, but you have to be able to laugh about yourself and to take it with a grain of salt.
I didn't realize I was the 'fat' sister until I went on TV and the media started saying that about me.
I just don't believe the hype. I just don't take myself too seriously. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I do love the evolution of people in general. I think it's a beautiful thing when someone progresses and evolves in life.
I used to follow trends and try to do exactly what I saw in the magazines, but I'm not a Victoria's Secret model who can wear anything.
Messaging is such an integral part of our lives, and Begroupd will help solve problems everyone can relate to.
I have moments of weakness, but mostly I brush the criticism off... Who cares if I'm not a size zero? I don't want to be. I love my body; I'm healthy, I work out.
It's hysterical how kids have their own personalities, even at like 3 or 4. And, it's funny what they tend to like.
I'm strong and fearless and not afraid to take risks in business.
I think all diets are kind of weird. The word 'die' is in it.
My hubby is such a sneaker king... and I am a stiletto queen! He always wants to see me in sneakers, but I believe I can do anything in heels.
Being an executive producer allows me the opportunity to create original content, and I can't wait to show my fans what we have in store on 'Kocktails with Khloe.'
I've made major cutbacks. I used to love soda. So I've cut out soda completely, and I'll drink iced tea or water for what I drink throughout my day. I just made that like a lifestyle change.
I've always wanted to get involved in the tech industry, but hadn't come across anything that really clicked for me.
Tracey Cunningham does my color, and little by little, my ombre turned into more of a rooted blond, and then it got lighter and lighter. I love how I stand out more as a blond - it makes me feel bright and healthy.
I have two younger sisters and I'm such an advocate of owning who you are as a person. Don't be ashamed or intimidated. Never feel like you are not amazing.
I've learned from experience you just never know what happens in life.
I have moles and freckles, and they irritate me. They are an insecurity of mine, and I wish I could have clear, beautiful skin.
Anyone who pays attention to these things can easily see the incredible bond that everyone in my family shares.
I have a really close relationship with God. I have more conversations with God, and it's very therapeutic to me. It helps me through a lot of trials and tribulations.
Your life is meant for you to understand and process, not to make anyone else happy.
I love hard; I love who I love, and I don't make any qualms about it.
We're all human beings, and we all have the same problems. I do remember how blessed I am, and no matter how bad things are, they can always get worse.
When I did the cover of 'Cosmo International,' Turkey picked it up and I got a lot of backlash for it.
I want to be a chef, but I'm only a fat girl chef; like, I only like to make fat comfort food. I'm not, like, a healthy chef person.
Part of being married is knowing when your husband needs your support.
My weight fluctuates, like any normal girl, and I have times when I feel insecure.
If you're too embarrassed and want to hide behind your computer screen, that's what this is for. It's about building confidence and that's what U by Kotex does. Girls owning their bodies and health.
I love doing fashion.
I have never felt 'fat;' I just didn't realise how unhealthy I was until I look back at pictures. In the moment, I felt so beautiful, and I remember walking down red carpets with my make-up done in a little sparkly dress, and I thought I was so cute.
I am an organization freak!
I'm a modern girl, but you should put your husband first. I like to think divorce is not an option.
I went to Catholic school and they basically just said don't have sex, but would never explain anything.
The bikini waxing, after we go there you can't turn back.
We're all our own worst critics and so hard on ourselves, but for me, my biggest insecurity is my arms. I just hate the tops of them. I work out and they still never look good enough for me. So, over the years I've learned to dress to make myself feel better.