Ivana Trump Quotes

I have a very active social life. It may look glamorous, and it is, but it also takes an enormous amount of time.
In each of my homes, I have a leopard room. I don't know why, but I do. It's like my lounge next to the dressing rooms.
As you get older, your tastes get simpler. I like a sleek evening dress with a pair of big earrings. That's all.
Don't get mad. Get everything!
I make money because I have to pay for everything apart from my school fees. My mother even makes me pay my own telephone bill.
In Positano, I like the San Pietro Hotel, which is run by a friend whose family has owned the hotel for more than 100 years.
One should never live with regrets or with 'what if.' I've loved the good times, and I have learned from the bad. All in all, it's been a pretty fabulous life for me.
Life is life, so try to enjoy it. You only have one life.
Gorgeous hair is the best revenge.
Looking good is the best revenge.
For many years I enjoyed the pleasure of cruising on my yacht all summer long and these were my best holidays. In mid-May, we'd start in St Tropez. I'd collect my bikinis from my home there and then we'd go up to Cannes for the Film Festival, on to Monte Carlo for the Grand Prix and then to Italy.
From the age of 6, when I won my first race in skiing, I was on the national ski teams, really until Olympics in '72, so I always had a lot of discipline and commitment to achieve as much as I could in good way. Competitiveness doesn't stop when you stop skiing.
I feel young at heart, and I feel, like, you know, 40.
I always felt very secure and very safe with real estate. Real estate always appreciates.
Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.
I have good legs, and why to hide them?
I'm a lady, and I run my business with dignity. I don't need to be tough. You get nowhere screaming.
I want great food and wine, and friends to enjoy it all.
When I was doing poorly at school, my father yanked me out and got me a job in a shoe factory. After three weeks, I begged him to give me another chance at doing well in school. I learned that discipline is necessary to accomplish anything in life.
For example, if I make money, I put it in real estate. I always did very well. Location, location, location.
New York City is a very tough place. I'm tough, too. When people give me a punch in the nose, I react by getting even tougher.
Generally, I think America is America. America has been through suffering like other countries, but America will come up. I have no doubt. It's just going to bounce. You know, you have ups and downs.
Travelling so much, sometimes my luggage goes astray. But I can get the right stuff sent to me overnight by a special shipper. No big deal.
There's nothing my housekeeper does that I can't do - and maybe better!
You have to have the common sense.
I wear black all the time.
I'm young at heart and dress accordingly.
I tell you, if I'm going to go through a divorce, I would date again a younger man. Because I have so much energy, there's no way an older man can keep up with me.
I can ski backwards on one ski. And foldblinded!
I made a tremendous amount of money on real estate. I'll take real estate rather than go to Wall Street and get 2.8 percent. Forget about it.
There are three things in life I really don't like: Rice pudding. Social climbers - you know, hang-ons! And the photo shoot!
I'm a single parent, a working mother, an executive, and an author. My greatest accomplishment will be to raise three wonderful children.
I believe that two people can meet and enrich each other's lives. I'd say that about my parents. But I think it is harder and harder to commit to only one person in a lifetime.
What I know is that my upbringing was always the man was the head of the family. It's a European tradition. We always look up to the man. But this is old times. Now what I believe is that I'm definitely equal.
Sadly, Princess Diana and I were just about the first divorced women to come under the global press's microscope. But I have a feeling it's a full and active club now.
In business, you have to be strong. If you are weak, people are going to take advantage.