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Surprise Quotes

A surprise may either cause a person to be happy, unhappy or any other emotion! In dictionary terms, a surprise means to suddenly or unexpectedly encounter, to attack or capture suddenly or even to cause to cause a feeling of wonder, astonishment, or amazement. There is nothing more delightful when our lovable ones throw a surprise party for us and spread more happiness in air. A list of famous quotes and sayings might just help you out to get a better idea of surprise.

Alan Turing

Machines take me by surprise with great frequency.

Pamela Anderson

It's great to be a blonde. With low expectations it's very easy to surprise people.

Pat Morita

I'm awkward at these things. Just being nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for Karate Kid was a real surprise and I was a little uncomfortable.

Sam Claflin

I quite like the element of surprise, and as much as I have my ideas, I always appreciate ideas that come from other people as well, and I love the mystery of not knowing.

Che Guevara

Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms.

Rights compliance helps effective outcomes, it does not hinder them. That should come as no surprise because the 'human rights' in the Human Rights Act are the rights adopted in the aftermath of the horrors of the second world war, and are designed to protect all of us from oppression.

The audience today has heard every joke. They know every plot. They know where you're going before you even start. That's a tough audience to surprise, and a tough audience to write for. It's much more competitive now, because the audience is so much more - I want to say 'sophisticated.'

Adolf Hitler

Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.

Sharon Stone

Many actresses do that kind of shoot when they are in their early 20s but I didn't think I had anything to worry about so I decided to go for it. I was very pleased with the results and it was also nice to surprise a few people.

Chevy Chase

A laugh is a surprise. And all humor is physical. I was always athletic, so that came naturally to me.

John F. Kennedy Jr.

I'm not a big planner. Things always sort of surprise me.

Robert Frost

No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.

Wallace Stevens

Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise!

Alice Walker

Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise.

Neil Armstrong

I can honestly say - and it's a big surprise to me - that I have never had a dream about being on the moon.

Henry James

There are two kinds of taste, the taste for emotions of surprise and the taste for emotions of recognition.

Tom Cruise

The exciting part of acting, I don't know how else to explain it, are those moments when you surprise yourself.

Anna Kendrick

I've always had volume on my side: the big-voice-in-a-small-package thing. I surprise people.

Garrison Keillor

Humor has to surprise us; otherwise, it isn't funny. It's a death knell for a writer to be labeled a humorist because then it's not a surprise anymore.

Humor Death Funny
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Man is always more than he can know of himself; consequently, his accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.

Dwayne Johnson

It is no surprise that animation is Hollywood's most successful and innovative genre.

I grew up on movie sets, so it was something I just found familiar. When I was growing up also, in high school, I would audition for things and my parents let me audition for things - with the thought that I wouldn't get them. And then I would get them... sometimes, and it would surprise them.

Ted Cruz

The single biggest surprise about arriving to the Senate is the defeatist attitude here.

Francis Bacon

A sudden bold and unexpected question doth many times surprise a man and lay him open.


The secret to humor is surprise.


It certainly should not surprise us that a young person without any real stake in a legitimate occupation or career may get into trouble more easily. Such persons readily accept the idea that they have been unjustly deprived of money, status, and opportunity.

Nancy Pelosi

Nothing surprises me. One thing I don't ever have in my world is surprise.

William James

There is an organic affinity between joyousness and tenderness, and their companionship in the saintly life need in no way occasion surprise.

After I found that I had become an actor, slightly to my surprise, I did have some insecurity, and I did take some rather strange acting classes at a place called The Actor's Studio in London. I don't think they did me any good at all.

Billy Graham

Growing old has been the greatest surprise of my life.

Eric Hoffer

The pleasure we derive from doing favors is partly in the feeling it gives us that we are not altogether worthless. It is a pleasant surprise to ourselves.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

One of the more difficult tasks for me as president was to decide on the issue of confirming capital punishment awarded by courts... to my surprise... almost all cases which were pending had a social and economic bias.

Blake Shelton

Because of Twitter, I think people know most every single thing about me. I don't know if there's anything that would surprise people about me.

Lily Collins

When you surprise yourself and you can't remember what the take felt like, then something transformative has happened.

Sylvester Stallone

On the sequel, you've lost the element of surprise. Usually, on the first one you may not go very, very deep into character; the second one you start to explore the character a bit more.

Angelina Jolie

Brad was a huge surprise to me. I think we were both the last two people who were looking for a relationship. I certainly wasn't. I was quite content to be a single mom with Mad.

The story of Easter is the story of God's wonderful window of divine surprise.