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Customs Quotes

Customs are created and sustained by various belief patterns of people belonging to a region. Often customs have deeper meanings, but often, people practice them without understanding their importance or the reason they came into existence. While a few customs have faded away with time, several others have managed to survive for a long time. Some customs have been deemed ridiculous, but a few have managed to strengthen the bonds between families. A famous instance is members of a family gathering for dinner during Christmas. Several nations, especially in Asia, have become quite influenced by the west, thanks to platforms such as the internet and have been shunning away many customs of theirs over the years.

People try to find out logic behind these customs and when they don’t find any logic end up being an atheist. They tend to forget that religion was created just for a proper discipline among the human beings it is with time that the customs were developed. It’s true that we should not follow the customs blindly, and I know that a few customs have lost social significance but they still prove to be harmless. Read and share these wise quotes on customs with your friends and family.

Helen Rowland

A bride at her second marriage does not wear a veil. She wants to see what she is getting.

Soren Kierkegaard

Marriage brings one into fatal connection with custom and tradition, and traditions and customs are like the wind and weather, altogether incalculable.

Celebrate Diwali with a blend of custom & tradition with Maspar’s Diwali Collection.