Shawn Mendes Quotes

I carry around this little lion named Leo, which I've had for as long as I can remember.
I was one of those kids who was just always on the Internet, always on YouTube, so it was easy for me to do it. It's not work. It's just fun.
I'm all over the place with muffins. Carrots are great. Banana, chocolate chip, they rock, too.
I think anyone can do anything they dream of if they put their mind to it and put in the work.
My advice to anyone with a dream is to never stop pursuing it.
There's so much negativity on social media, I don't want to add to that.
You can't get too comfortable and relax, because your world can flip overnight.
I love Australia; it was a really, really nice experience for me. It's such a beautiful place. The people are beautiful - like, really beautiful - and they are beautiful in terms of their personalities. It's a great place to be. It's like you are in a little bit of a dream world.
There are times when I'm super-overwhelmed, and everything feels like it's hitting me in the face at once, but I think what's keeping me calm, and who I am by staying true to myself, is my whole family being so supportive and keeping me grounded. They treat me the exact same way they treated me years and years ago.
I love Milan, and I'm not just saying that. It's a city that gives me a great sense of euphoria. I can't explain why, but I feel a special energy there.
Every time I write a song my approach changes.
I'm still a little certain I'm a wizard.
I work so hard to make that sure I'm successful. If you're positive and really excited and enthusiastic about what you're doing, it's going to happen, and it's going to happen big time.
What I love about my fragrance Signature is that it's subtle and great to wear for any person at any time.
Manuka honey is magic.
When I first started playing guitar, so many people told me I couldn't do this or couldn't do that. But I kept at it and ignored that.
With love, there are so many layers to it that you can write all day about it. It's not just heartbreak or falling in love; there's so many different ways to look at it.
I haven't really found the right person. That sounds like an older person thing to say, but I'm too busy and - not in a bad way - don't want to waste my time.
I promise you, if you look at YouTube and see some of my first covers, you will hear that I don't sound good. But I was so obsessed with it and wanted so much to be good at it that I forced myself to figure out what sounds right and what sounds wrong.
There are tons of women's perfumes that I've smelt and been like, 'I love that. I would totally wear that,' and lots of women smell a lot of men's cologne and think the same thing about that. I think there should be no reason to put gender on it.
You look back at people like Elvis and The Beatles and still get their music because it's timeless. That's what I want.
I'd be happy if anyone wore my fragrance. They don't have to be famous.
Growing up in a suburban home, the world seems so massive to you. It seems like cities are so big and so far away, and there's so much in them. So your imagination runs wild, instead of when you are born in the middle of Manhattan, you'd know, like, that this is the biggest city.
No matter what, I'm trying to have fun and, depending on the mood, fun can be on a roller coaster and playing onstage, or fun can be sitting in a room with three of your best friends talking for two hours.
I would type in things like, 'How to play beginner songs on guitar,' and one of the first I learnt was 'Hey, Soul Sister' by Train. I taught myself these chords I didn't know the name of and slowly started to get the hang. I was obsessed with it.
Love is probably the strongest emotion that you can feel. It's very natural - and I wouldn't want to say easy - but natural and comfortable to write about, and there's so many different forms of it, millions of layers - you could write forever about it.
People made fun of my skinny legs.
I think my all time favourite song would be between 'Slow Dancing in a Burning Room' and 'Dreaming with a Broken Heart' by John Mayer.
If I don't have cereal on the bus, I'm going to be really upset.
I feel like every time I write a song, it feels like the first time I wrote a song. It's just as hard; it doesn't get easier, but that's why I love it: because it's a challenge every time. I also feel like I'm learning new ways.
I like dancers. I have a thing for girls who dance.
I want to graduate high school, so it's very important to me, and I'll be focusing hard on that as well.
I used to write stories. Handwriting stories in school were a big deal for me. That's kind of what I did.
I'd love to work with Bruno Mars and Ryan Tedder.
'Mercy,' I love conceptually because I feel like you can either think about it as if it were a girl - which it sounds like it could be about a girl - but I like to picture it as 'pleading for mercy for my career' type of thing.
At 13, I loved how so many of my peers sang and played acoustic guitar, so I started recording videos with covers of famous songs and posting them online.
I think the world is becoming a place where younger and younger people can do great things, and I just hope I can inspire other young people to do the same.
I give big ups to people who are very big on social media, whether they're doing vlogs or whatever. It takes a lot of effort.
A lot of people who are 'social media' stars aren't considered to be 'real' stars, and people underestimate the amount of work it takes to edit and upload a video every single day and document your life like that.
I think it's not about what you say; it's about what you don't say.
I'd say some of my earliest scent memories are from home - just things that were around my house, and my mom's cooking.
You have to be careful not to make music something you don't want to do. Which happens. I've gotten off the road and been like, 'I hate it. I hate singing, I hate playing guitar.' Six days later, I'm in my bedroom singing at the top of my lungs because I love it so much.
I'm not the best singer in the world; I'm just good at picking up what I want to sound like.
Did people care about how a singer sounded live back in the day? I don't really feel like they did. Not everything was being filmed. Today, one huge mess-up, and millions are seeing it. There's a lot more on the line nowadays. We're so cautious and scared of messing up. It adds a lot of stress to a career.
I can see why people change. You get complimented all the time, driven around in a black SUV - your life is crazy. But that's your career, not you.
I feel very comfortable with the U.K. tone and humour and laid-back attitude.
Just the fact that a thousand people in front of me were ready to hear me sing was one of the best feelings I can think of.
I don't really like to say, 'This is where I'll be in five years,' because I truly have no idea.
First of all, I'm not gay. Second of all, it shouldn't make a difference if I was or if I wasn't.
It's amazing having so many people care so much about what I'm doing.
Island Records was the first record label to... acknowledge me. After that, quickly, Republic Records, and then Atlantic Records, Sony Records and Warner Bros. It was all the labels at once. It was absolutely insane, like, knowing that this many record labels were interested in me.
I feel like every time I write a song, it feels like the first time I wrote a song. It's just as hard. It doesn't get easier, but that's why I love it: because it's a challenge every time.
There's a lot more to success than just singing.
I've always been really tall and lanky.
Sometimes I get more excited for shows that I know are going to be quieter because it gets me more inspired to be more of a showman and be more of an entertainer and forces me to work harder.
People say to me, 'What are you going to be doing in five years?' The thing is, I don't care! It's what I'm doing today that matters.
I think when you have raw emotion in a song, it makes it great.
It's extremely important just to keep things positive and happy as much as we can... I think it's important that singers, actors, or whatever use our voice to spread positive messages as much as we possibly can.
I'm writing all the time, really. It's become a little bit of a problem when I go home. Sometimes I should really go out and hang out with my friends, but what happens is I get really inspired and then just go and mess around on the computer.
Ed Sheeran wrote his songs, so I wanted to write my own songs.
I'm proud to say I'm a role model for kids.
I wanted to be an actor, like, so, so bad. I took acting classes, I auditioned for Disney, and then I realized how nervous I got with remembering lines.
I'd say the best scents are ones that don't overtake a room. I love things that remind me of the outdoors and home.
I think I was just bored one summer afternoon, and I decided to post a little video of me singing and playing guitar out of tune.
I'm tortured because I care. I'm always upset about not doing things as good as I think I could have because I care.
No matter where you play, a stadium or an arena, when you're present on stage, it's going to feel like a theater.
It was incredible being on tour with Taylor Swift: she was the epitome of a professional, and she works so hard. For someone as successful as her to work that hard every night - truly inspirational.
I can't believe how fast things have happened, and I'm just so honored that people are able to look to me as a leader.
I started watching YouTube videos and singing, and it became something that I was obsessed with.
I'm a very spontaneous person. When I see something that might be fun or different, I will try it.
During crazy times, I just hold back. People are so quick to jump on something or rip it apart.
To be honest, I've only been to one concert, and it was Aerosmith. Aerosmith and Slash.
I loved Nashville. I was amazed by the whole place.
The first year I started hockey, I didn't know how to skate, so I got on the ice with all of the hockey players, and we were doing drills where we had to go backwards in figure eights. And I could not skate, and I just kept falling on my butt, and it was very embarrassing.
There's nothing that scares me more than, like, being in the ocean by myself.
I don't want to just be a teenage star. I want to be known by parents, and I want them to go, 'Oh I love that song; he's really good for his age. My daughter loves him, but I love him, too.'
I'm not a rapper.
Being 15, I feel like people want me to go down the Justin Bieber, Cody Simpson sort of genre.
I love acting. I would really love to act.
I don't really look into the past too much.
I like funny girls.
I really love going back home. I think going back to a nice, relaxed little town is the best way to do it.
I'd rather sleep on the bus than in the hotel because I sleep way better on tour buses.
I always think, what type of 11th grader would I be if I was still at school? Or if I was home all the time, would I be at the gym 24/7? Would I be as good at guitar? I know I wouldn't be as mature as I am.
I was super-obsessed with cover videos. When I was, like, 10, I would come home from school and watch them from 4 o'clock until 8 o'clock every night. I was so intrigued that people took these super-popular songs and did them their own way.
My first Vine I really just posted out of spontaneity.
I really love listening to Hozier. He's great.
I believe vitamin C can fix everything.
I'm always upset about not doing things as good as I think I could have because I care.
I work out every day.
I was an average student. I wasn't any standout. I remember when people started to know who I was and the label offers, people started to get a little weird and be weird around me.
I'm not just writing songs that are narrating my life, but everyone else around my age because they're super-relatable.
As soon as I get time, I really wanna dig down and do some acting.
I'm just growing so quickly, so my songs are quickly changing on me. But it's fine. I love them for what they are and what they were, to me.
I don't like age barriers. I don't like when people treat you differently when they find out how old you are.
There is such a hype and a big build up to me, and it's very hard to meet those expectations. That's been a big stress in my life.
It's hard for me to just say, 'Wow, this is amazing - I'm famous. I'm living the dream.' I sit there and think, 'I'm scared - this can go away tomorrow.' My dad always says that I'm a tortured soul because I'm never pleased; I never feel like I deserve what I've achieved.
I have a thing where if I'm not in control, I feel the whole world is about to collapse.
From 15 to 18, everybody is a different person. Every six months, I have a whole new outlook on life.
I've never had a scandal, but I don't know if that's so much because I'm perfect, or because people aren't caring enough yet. Give it some time. I'll probably be very upset, but it's a part of the gig.