Harry S. Truman Quotes

Born On
1884-05-08Died On
1972-12-26Birth Place
Lamar, Missouri, United StatesDeath Place
Kansas CityBirth Sign
John Anderson TrumanMother
Martha Ellen Young TrumanSpouse
Bess TrumanNationality
William Chrisman High School, University of Missouri–Kansas City, University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law"Three things can ruin a man - money, power, and women." Former US President Harry Truman liked to live by this principle and one would often hear him saying, "I never had any money; I never wanted power; and the only woman in my life is up at the house right now."
Once someone made him an offer to get anything he wanted, including a woman, Truman stopped him mid-way and gave him an earful.
"Listen son, I married my sweetheart. She doesn't run around on me and I don't run around on her. I want that understood. Don't ever mention that kind of stuff to me again.'' He wasn't kidding either. He dearly loved his wife and daughter."
In another instance, the President who was known for being the eye of the storm rather than being in the eye of the storm barred the wife of influential media-mogul Henry Luce from the executive mansion. When a seemingly agitated Henry confronted him about the matter he replied, "Mr. Luce, you've asked a fair question, and I'll give you a fair answer. I've been in politics 35 years, and everything that could be said about a human being has been said about me. But my wife has never been in politics. She has always conducted herself in a circumspect manner, and no one has a right to make derogatory remarks about her. Now your wife has said many unkind and untrue things about Mrs. Truman. And as long as I'm in residence here, she'll not be a guest at the White House.”